Vaccinations for South Africa | My Doctors Appointment

The big question is, do we need vaccinations for South Africa? I did a lot of research and found lots of contradictory information. So I decided to make an appointment to the closest travel doctor near my house (Passport Health) and talk to them. This is what they told me.

A few things I should mention. The cheapest airfare and fastest way to get there is not the suggested way. I decided to buy a plane ticket to Sao Paulo Brazil, then to Johannesburg. My layover in Brazil is about 12 hours.

If you haven’t read the last entry on Vaccinations for South Africa where I did some research about a month ago, you should check it out here. It will bring you up to speed on things I will talk about in the next few paragraphs.

So Do You Need Vaccinations for South Africa?

As per the nurse at Passport Health, she suggested vaccinations according to what you are doing in South Africa, or where you are coming from.

I got a vaccine for Yellow Fever because I have a 12 hour layover in Brazil and currently, Brazil is considered a high risk (I was in Brazil a few years ago and this was not the case. This is a recent development.)


At the moment if you are coming from a country that has several high risk diseases like Yellow Fever, the airport will not let you out unless you show proof of vaccination.

Passport Health gave me the vaccination and also gave me a vaccination card to put in my passport and show any personnel at the airport as required.

That’s the only vaccination I required but it’s not even for South Africa, it’s more for Brazil.

You Need Vaccinations For South Africa Depending on What You Will Be Doing

The nurse at Passport Health asked me if I was going to Kruger National Park, which is a big tourist spot in South Africa. It boarders the country of Mozambique. She suggested a Typhoid Fever vaccination if I was. Luckily for me, I am not going there.

She also suggested rabies shots if I am planning on working with wild animals. They suggested Hep A and Hep B vaccines. Vaccines I’ve gotten already.

The main and most important information I got is watching out for unfiltered water as to prevent travelers diarrhea. She informed me of information I already know, like don’t drink unbolted water, ice, fruits you can’t peal, lettuce, etc.

They assured me that mosquito spray is important as well. 

Passport Health kept my mind at ease. I got my Yellow Fever Vaccine. They coached me on how to stay safe. They charged $300. Insurance may not pay for it because even though it’s preventative care, going to South Africa is not a necessity.

Let Me Break It Down For You:

Do you need Vaccinations for South Africa? No. Not if you’re coming from a westernized country. A friend of mine from the UK didn’t get any (and he’s still alive!)

If you’re coming from a country that has a high risk of any type of disease, you will need to get that particular vaccine. For example, I have a long layover in Brazil. I got the Yellow Fever vaccine as per Brazils current Yellow Fever state.

It was $300 at Passport Health. At Passport Health, they charge you per vaccine.

My main takeaway is, vaccinations for South Africa are highly recommended depending on they type of activity you’re participating in. Therefore, prepare accurately and take proper precautions.

Don’t drink unfiltered water and make sure to bring mosquito spray.

I hope this helps!

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