South Africa Vaccinations | Preparing for South Africa

Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots…? But not the kind of shots that involve Whiskey or Vodka. These shots are big-time scary vaccines which protect your life from bacteria or viruses that come from that specific area of the globe. Preparing for South Africa is something you may need to start early if you’re planning a vacation there in the near future. Here is what I found on South Africa Vaccinations and Medications.

As I research this destination as a possible trip, I’ve stumbled upon several articles that say you need ALL KINDS OF VACCINATIONS! It’s pretty frightening to think there’s a possibility of contracting some deadly disease that’s either airborne or mosquito-borne.

On the plus side some information I found says the vaccinations depend on what you want to do or how long you’re going to stay in South Africa. For example, the rabies vaccination depends on whether you’re going on safari or plan to be around wild animals. The rabies vaccination is also a three-part vaccine, which means you have to keep going back to the doctor several times.

Other scary vaccinations include Yellow Fever, Hep A and B, and Typhoid Fever. The good thing about Malaria (if there is a good thing) is this is not a vaccine, they’re pills. Some may even suggest Cholera preparation and medication.

On the other hand you may want to watch out for mosquitos at all times anyway. Mosquitoes carry diseases like Dengue Fever and chikungunya. Those sound scary and they’re bad infections but you can also catch them here in Los Angeles. These mosquitoes have spread across the globe. It’s rare but there’s a growing number of cases each year in LA.

However, I came across an obstacle. The Yellow Fever vaccine is limited in the USA. This means it might not be available at your local hospital or even at all. On the plus side, it looks like there are substitute vaccinations that serve as a Yellow Fever vaccine.

On the other hand, I found a website that says you don’t need South Africa vaccinations but you may definitely need a Yellow Fever vaccine depending on where you’re connecting. So, if you’re flight path takes you to a layover in a country infected with Yellow Fever, then you might be stuck in that country. I’ve read some countries like Brazil will not let you back on the plane if you’re connecting and your layover is longer than 12 hours. Proof of the vaccination may be required to get back on the plane after your layover in said country.

What Next Steps Should I Take?

Although, this information is a little contradictory, what is the best course of action? Making a doctor’s appointment might be the best path.

I’m kind of freaked out. However, I’m not going to let some “pesty” mosquito ruin a trip I want to take. So how do I prepare? I have a doctor’s appointment coming up where I will talk about South Africa vaccinations and/or pills I need to take.

I will definitely make sure to take Deet mosquito repellent. The higher the deet the better. Some sunblock for sure. You also have to remember that you may need anti-diarrheal meds too. Pepto bismol tablets might be a good idea. Be careful with anything you ingest. Don’t drink unfiltered water. When I lived in Central America they told us not to eat fruits whose skin you can eat. This means you may have to be careful with street vendors which is something I love to partake in. Although, some countries are more sanitary than others, I may have to do more research on restaurants versus food vendors. Maybe that’s for another post.

Let Me Break It Down For You:

South Africa Vaccinations and medication if you’re coming from the US include:

  • Yellow Fever
  • Rabies
  • Typhoid Fever
  • Hep A and B
  • Maybe Malaria Pills

Things to consider: Deet mosquito spray and Sunblock… Also anti diarrhea pills and such.

Next steps would be? Make a doctor’s appointment and talk about it. Your doctor will give you the best advice on your travels to South Africa!

I’ll let you know what my doctor says in another post!

Website I found that is good for information on this subject:


  1. Pingback: Vaccinations for South Africa | My Doctors Appointment - Designing Life

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