No Travel = No Blogging. Now What?

I am torn and somewhat disappointed, and now I feel selfish. Although I have a fondness for life, adventure, and discovery, I feel like my blog, my travel life, and everything I’ve tried to build is falling apart. Thanks, coronavirus.

I feel selfish because I want to do what I love, which is travel. That’s a first-world problem if I ever heard one. Most importantly, I want coronavirus to vanish and leave Earth alone so we can continue living life. I want coronavirus to stop killing people because even though I’m incredibly introverted, other people make the world more enjoyable.

In retrospect, I feel like coronavirus is making me think about the decisions I’ve made in the past. If I die tomorrow, would I be happy with the life I’ve lived? What about the choices I’m making now? Are they good enough?

The short answer is mostly yes but not quite. I’m happy with my travel life. I have a great partner, and I live in a great area. But, I’ve let a job make decisions for me most of the time. They’ve dictated all my vacation times.

To put things in a better perspective, I worked for a small but pretty awesome travel agency. But, now, with everything that’s happening, I need to call the shots. It’s not okay that others are allowed to tell you when you should be happy. Why do we need to obey when they say sorry, you don’t any vacation time?

It’s not okay because we don’t know what life is going to throw at you. Whether it’s coronavirus or death, we need to make ourselves happy and design the life you want today. Not when we’ve accrued enough vacation time. Ultimately that’s what this blog is about, but so far, I feel like a failure. 

Life in LA with Coronavirus

At this point, I’m not headed to Paris until the foreseeable future. I was also going to use that time to create a gay Paris travel guide. But now everything has gone to hell. In other words, life is currently on hold.

Here in LA, the restaurants are closed, and the open ones only do takeout. The bars, gyms, pools, parks, and everything in between is currently off-limits. The governor of California has ordered us to “Shelter in Place,” which means if there’s no need to go out, then we need to stay indoors. This is a good step in the right direction if we want to stop the transmission of coronavirus. I’m all for it, but it’s not easy.

Feeling stir crazy? Yeah, just a little. 

Is this a Pro or Con?

Now that I’m forced to stay put, I can’t help but think about everything. What’s going to happen to our future? What about traveling? Is my blog going to fail completely? I’ve been doing so well, and now I have to start at square one.

This is hard. However, the more I’m forced to think, the more I start to think of the positive outcomes of things. Positivity is exactly what we need right now.

So What Now? Let’s Think of the Positive

To start with, I can blog more about things I’m thinking about (like this post.) This means you guys, my readers, will get to know me better, and I like that.

I used to do a YouTube channel by the same name (Designing Life), but my blog has taken over. In other words, I can continue making more videos that will allow me to talk about life, travel, and other things.

Now that I’ve got a lot of time on my hands, I can focus on things I didn’t have time for. For example, I also have a horror blog, its called iMonstre. I rarely update it, but now I can focus on all the dark and twisted things I want.

Considering, I have lots of time on my hands, I can review as many horror movies as I want. I can make that blog as great as this one.

And Travel? What About Travel?

Once this coronavirus mess is over. Whenever it’s over. Three months? Eight Months? I’m still moving to Paris. So that’s something to look forward to.

Chances are the airlines will change their policies once this mess is over. They’ll be hungry for business, which means there will be a lot of competition.

In the process, I can continue to grow Designing Life so I can grab life by the horns after all of this is over and continue to let people know where to get those sweet deals. I’ll continue to venture to gay bars and let others know which ones they need to visit.

So if there are others out there in this situation, I think it’s important to stick together. Let’s support each other. Because things will get better.

Let’s keep that chin up and stay positive. We will get through this even if it might feel like the end of the world.

Are you a blogger who’s struggling because of the coronavirus situation? Leave your blog URL in the comments. Let’s share our blog and get traffic to and fro.