Helicopter to Catalina Island | A Long Beach Secret!

As I scrambled to find fun things for my New York visitors, I realized Catalina Island is a beautiful option I usually don’t consider. However, what makes this experience even better? A helicopter to Catalina Island!

This Helicopter to Catalina island is something I didn’t know was an option. I usually do the inexpensive boat ride to and from. But, for about $135 USD you can go there on a helicopter and get a beautiful ocean view all the way. You fly over the Port of Long Beach and see the island from the sky. This sounds like a dream come true.

Just so you’re aware, there are other packages and helicopter tours. Some are cheaper for $95 USD or so… These are something else, they fly around LA or around Catalina. The one I’m talking about now is a one way flight to the island.

Helicopter to Catalina Island Review

The best thing about living in Long Beach is the convenience factor. We got an uber to the helipad and took it from there.

We arrive an hour early and decided to walk around the Queen Mary. If you want more info on the Queen Mary make sure to read my article on this amazing ship. However, for our tourist friends, this is something they haven’t seen before. We didn’t walk inside the ship. However, I was surprised to see the Dark Harbor decorations in the parking lot. This means, Halloween is coming faster than ever. Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year. For those of you that know me, this isn’t shocking information.

After a small walk we head back to the helicopter check-in station. We check-in, get weighed and wait for our ride. We lucked out because two groups of five arrived right before us. They all go on one helicopter together. Me and the three in my group got in a smaller, more private helicopter that only holds four people. I sit in the front which is AMAZING! I got a great view.

The pilot is so chill. He made flying a helicopter look easy.

Before boarding the helicopter to Catalina Island, they grabbed my camera bag and placed it in the storage for safe-keeping. My camera hangs around my neck so I kept it with me but luggage can go in the helicopters storage area while you fly.

We few over the Port of Long Beach just enough for me to sneak some pictures.

Our Helicopter to Catalina Island Was Amazing

As we took off, we flew over the Port of Long Beach. The machinery and crates are so beautiful from up here. From the sky, you can appreciate everything. I love all the manmade things. We’ve come so far as a species. It’s all beautiful from up here.

Nature is beautiful on a different level. The ocean was blue and sparkly. Although the day is a little hazy, it didn’t take away from the experience. We flew over a pod of dolphins. I was too slow to take their picture but it’s definitely a sight to see.

As we approached Catalina Island, it reminded me of Jurassic Park. This island, full of nature, with big hills appeared out of nowhere. We saw a Carnival cruise ship along many sailboats. People, jet-skiing nearby as well.

The Catalina Island harbor is quaint and Mediterranean with its many colorful houses. At this point we turn to the left. We head to the far left side of the island, away from Avalon. The landing was quick but smooth.

The entire ride lasted 15 minutes but it’s so worth it!

From here we got a taxi from the helicopter station to Avalon’s only beach club. We had lunch and sipped cocktails all day.

Let Me Break It Down For You:

A Helicopter ride to Catalina Island is about $135 per person, each way.

We only did it one way and got the cheaper option back, the hydrofoil boat which takes about an hour.

It takes about 15 minutes to get from Long Beach California to Catalina Island. Although you can also catch it from San Pedro as well. Prices vary though.

Is it worth it? Only if you’re looking for something different. Maybe you’re looking for something memorable? Then yes. Totally worth it. Would I do it again? Yes.

One more important fact you should know about, it’s a minimum of two tickets per purchase.

Companies like Viator and Catalina Island company sell tickets. Check out Viator here.

Update: Ever since the Kobe helicopter incident, LA and surrounding areas have reduced or stopped public helicopter transportation. Therefore it’s becoming more difficult to find these. This one for example, is no longer offered.

Just chillin’ on the front seat! The view is spectacular. This flight is a must!

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