Cheap Flights From LGB
Something to note. Prices change daily. Sometimes they go up and sometimes they go down. Download the SkyScanner app and keep checking. You might just get that great deal of a lifetime!

Don’t Have a Week to fly away? Try a Weekend Getaway.
A quick search revealed lots of great destinations for the weekend. Get this, all from Long Beach Municipal Airport (LGB.) Currently, prices from LGB to OAK or Oakland airport go from $97 roundtrip. I understand many people don’t want to go to Oakland but here’s the deal, Oakland airport is connected to BART or the Bay Areas public train system. From here you can make your way to San Francisco and have yourself a great weekend. Tickets to the Bay Area rarely go below $100… This is definitely a fare to pounce on. Don’t take my word for it. Download the SkyScanner app and set it to give you price alerts! So far these prices are for January and February.

Chicago Illinois is also going for cheap right now. For $222 roundtrip you can see the Windy City and a winter wonderland from Long Beach California. It’s a good thing we have such a great little airport in our back yards. However, it takes about 4 hours to get to ORD. Four hours plus a two hours time difference, that’s 6 hours of “non-exploration time.” Either way, you can’t put a price on making new memories.
A Message From Our Sponsors
If you’re looking for cheap airfare check out If you havent read my list of places to get discount airfare’s CheapOair is one of them.
You should also download the SkyScanner app. It’s a great place to look for discount flights. The app is free and you might find that great deal you’re looking for.
The links and banners above are affiliate links. This means if you decide to buy plane tickets or download the free SkyScanner app I will get a commission and you will be supporting my website. I thank you in advance!
This morning I bought a flight ticket from Milwaukee to Amsterdam for just $411 R/T. My friends bought tickets from San Juan, Puerto Rico to Barcelona for $369 R/T. It’s like a Black Friday for us.
Wow that’s really good. Yeah tickets are so cheap right now. Lots of amazing prices.