On my last day in Merida, I found a secluded pink late, where salt is cultivated. Although, near Cancun you’ll find another lake called Las Coloradas, where they tour you around and show you how they make the salt. They’ll even let you taste it. This lake is not on any tourist radar. In fact, it’s not for tourists. Therefore, I thought, it was the perfect site to see. This lake is called Laguna Rosada or the Pink Lake.
But First, Breakfast
Considering my family is from Merida, Yucatan, they decided to drive me to Motul, a nearby town famous for its eggs and deep fried tostadas.
However, this is my last day in town and I wanted to walk up and down the streets of downtown Merida. I want to buy souvenirs for my siblings and check out the restaurants and street vendors. Therefore, my family allowed me to roam the streets of Merida after breakfast.
I packed my appetite and prepared myself for the day. Motul is a quaint city with great markets. Guy Fiero, from the Food Network, came here and put Motul on the map. He came to Motul and told everyone on national television that Huevos Motuleños are incredible. However, my cousin said it was famous way before he showed up. Guy Fiero validated the amazing taste for the world.
We make it to Motul. My aunt and I walk around and take pictures of buildings, people selling things on the street, everything really. We head into the market afterwards and we are seated.
You sit and order by the egg. A tostada with one, two or three eggs on it. The tostada has refried black beans spread on it. Eggs on top of that. Another tostada on top of that with tomato based salsa. It was delicious. After having my tostada we are off.
I love food from the Yucatan. However, I have to disclose I love it because I grew up with it. To me, Mexico is Yucatan.
Looking for La Laguna Rosada
This is the tricky part. This Laguna Rosada is not on any tourist radar — Let me back up a bit. There is another pink lagoon (or I should say lagoons) closer to Cancun that is very popular right now. They’re called Las Coloradas. This is NOT that place.
La Laguna Rosada is smaller than Las Coloradas. However, it’s the same concept. It’s a lake they use to cultivate sea salt. You can see the edges of the lake drying and the salt crystals around the perimeter. I should probably mention the color of the lake, it’s natural! I know right? What planet is this? Seriously though… its natural! I love it <3
How did we find it?
We google mapped it and then kept an eye out for pink water. If you blink you miss it, its pretty small. As we saw it, we pulled over the side of the highway, put our blinkers on and walked right on over.
It’s gorgeous. Seriously. Beautiful and picturesque. I have, literally, never seen something like this before.
If you’re looking for something completely different and not on any tourist radar, look for El Lago Rosa (or rosado.) My family and I are the only people here. After taking a few pictures and selfies, we headed back to town where they dropped me off to explore the city on my won.
Let me break it down for you:
Look for it. It’s worth it. Its about a 45 min drive from Merida, Yucatan, the capital of Yucatan. It’s a quick trip and its free.
I know, its just a lake… but its beautiful and there is nothing else like it. A PINK LAKE! Go on with your bad self Laguna Rosada! For realz!

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