In Bear Creek, North Carolina lays a dry patch in the woods. This circular dry patch is called the devils tramping ground.
Considering this lush green forest, its suprising that nothing grows on this patch. They say its because every night, the devil comes out and walks in circles, contemplating his next move.
The devils tramping ground is not just a legend, but many people swear on their mother’s grave that its a place with real hauntings.
So, what happens at the devils tramping grounds?
Apart from the devil rising from hell to walk among us, many people say objects disappear if you leave them in the center of the circle overnight.
Other say dogs are terrified of this place. However, if you do see a dog, its a devil hound put on earth to help the devil commit his evil deeds.
The scariest thing happens if you try to stay the night. Everyone who’s tried staying the night has awoken to mysterious noises in the woods, spirits in their tents, and glowing eyes looking back at them.
Are these rumors? Or is the devils tramping ground as haunted as they say?
Don’t Tread on the Devils Tramping Ground, a True Story
Don’t Tread on The Devils Tramping Ground is the story about how 3 U.S. Marines were scared shitless, within only a few hours. Including myself.

I have a friend who is really into the paranormal like myself, let’s call him Jake.
It was October 2018 and we just wanted to go “ghost hunting” or explore supposedly haunted buildings/areas. We have been researching and decided our drive limit was four hours. I came across a place called ‘The Devils Tramping Ground.’

At the place, there is a circle in the woods that can’t grow grass, and the trees make a circle around it.
As legend has it, the devil himself uses that circle of sand and dirt as a portal.
He comes to Earth at night and stomps on the ground, pacing back and forth. We read that if you tried to sleep there, on the circle, you will hear a soothing female singing which will put you to sleep, and then you will wake up in a different location.
So what did we do? Brought tents, sleeping bags, chairs, and beer of course.
Okay Back to the Story

Jake and I were planning our trip and another one of my buddies caught wind of it. Let’s call him Nick.
We were all set to go on Friday when we got out of work. We left the base at around 4 pm but didn’t actually hit the road until roughly 8 pm because we kept getting sidetracked at different stores.
I’ll skip right to the good part.
We get off the highway, it’s close to midnight.
We have our GPS on and it wants us to go down the only damn road with no street lights. Of course. We start driving down that narrow dark road slowly, so we can find the clearing for the devils tramping ground.
We read that there would be satanic symbols in front of the clearing, written on the road. We had our eyes peeled. There was something odd about this road.

I shit you not we were being chased the entire way by about 10 dogs, and 1 black dog. Every dog was barking except for that black dog. And he kept appearing in the woods to the left of us, and in front of us as we were driving as if he was trying to turn us around.

We found the symbols and new it was it, the dogs hadn’t followed us that far. We parked and got out with flashlights first to scope out the area.
I’m not going to lie, it was extremely unsettling. We made our way up to the circle and thought “perfect!” Let’s go get our shit.

Fast Forward About an Hour
It’s quiet. We have our tents set up on the circle, with our chairs set up surrounding our cooler. We were just telling ghost stories and drinking.
Nothing really seemed to bother us other than the occasional twig snapping that sounded like footsteps and the feeling of being watched. We just chalked it up to animals.

It’s 2 am now. I start to hear voices all around me, and I’m not the only one. Nick and Jake Heard it too. It felt like we were about to be jumped by a group of men surrounding us. But we knew whatever it was, wasn’t human.

The voices stopped and I shit you not, at the same time, the car light turned on.
We went to the car to find all of the doors open. Unnerved, we slowly closed all the doors and went back to drinking.
2:30 am
We are all on edge. Not even drunk at this point because of the events that just took place.
Everyone was silent.
I could hear and feel my heart beating out of my chest. You’ll never believe it. We all heard beautiful humming coming from every direction. I wish I could describe how it sounded. But we knew, that was not good.
We all leaned in as the singing was going on. Without one word spoken, we all got up and went to the car and got out of there.
We then visited Lydias bridge because it was nearby, and it is said that Lydia walks the road on the bridge at night. We didn’t see anything so we slept in a nearby Walmart parking lot in the car. And went back the next morning for our things.
I want to thank Reddit user AressOG for letting me use his story, The Devils Tramping Ground.