The flight from ORD to LHR (Chicago O’hare to London Heathrow) was pretty much the same.
It was on a Dreamliner across the Atlantic Ocean.
The seats were comfortable, and the flight was calm on this American Airlines flight.
For our meal, we got a fancy-looking potato salad followed by some beef-looking thing (I know it was beef, but I can’t remember what they called it.) To be completely honest, the food was okay. Not super spectacular or anything. I was more intrigued by the miniature salt and pepper shakers they gave us.

It was pretty much smooth sailing all the way. I slept for an hour or two before we landed in LHR.
LHR always freaks me out. I find it worse or at par with LAX.
The employees are rude. Security is intrusive. The signs suck. It’s a nightmare.

During our stay in LHR, we went to the business class lounge for the two hours we were there.
This lounge is spectacular. Enormous. The food is plentiful with all the Champagne one can muster.
There are showers and some toiletries (toothbrushes and shaving kits), and coffee machines galore.
There are plenty of people in this lounge, but with all of the space, one can find a nice little nook or cranny to settle in before finding your way back to your gate.
Our third flight is to Frankfurt, which means it will be much shorter! Oh yes!