Dying is a fact we can’t get away from. But, you never thought today would be the day you die. Even so, death never looked uglier. Today, your demise comes in the form of an old lady. This old hag is frightening, to say the least. However, in Brazil, they call her the Pisadeira.

The Brazilian Legend of the Pisaderia (Old Hag)
This old hag has many names. Some call her the Night Hag. Others call it a syndrome, the old hag syndrome. Whatever her name, in Brazil, the legend is slightly different but just as terrifying.
The Old Hag Description (Discracao da Pisadeira)
Sometimes all you notice is a feeling. It’s the feeling of being watched. Although you don’t see her ugly face, the hairs on the back of your neck still stand upright.
Other times, you notice a stench. This putrid smell fills the room as you hear the old hag’s footsteps come closer. You can’t see a thing, but you know she’s here.
When you do see the old hag, you’ll notice the fiery red eyes of the devil. Her yellow, claw-like nails look dirty but sharp.
Her fingers are long and so dry, parts of her skin flake off. She has the nose of a witch. Long and crooked. Her teeth are sharp and decaying, green and rotten but perfect for eating small children. Once you see her, she reacts with a loud cackle. Her scary laughter will keep you awake for days.

The old hags mode of attack
She appears after a beautiful and tasty dinner. On special occasions like Thanksgiving (to give you perspective… I am perfectly aware that Brazilians don’t celebrate Thanksgiving) and Christmas, when the food is plentiful and the wine flows like water is when she is most likely to attack.
Regardless, today is a day to indulge. Today you’ll have turkey, stuffing, mash potatoes. Tonight you tasted everything.
Now, you’re sleepy, and you know you’ll have a great night of sleep.
Yet, in the middle of the night, your eyes open. That’s when you realize you can’t move. It’s strange because you’re wide awake. Your arms and legs won’t budge. Are you paralyzed? What’s happening?

Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice a shadow. Is it your imagination? Then you hear a burst of laughter. You smell that strong putrid scent.
The shadow starts to move, and you realize it looks like an old hag.
The laughter freaks you out, and you try to scream, but nothing comes out of your body. No noise.
You’re so scared tears start falling down your cheeks.
You see her crawling into your bed. Now, you see her discussing jagged teeth as she laughs at your discomfort.

She puts one foot on your chest and puts all her weight on you. You can’t breathe! Is tonight your last night on Earth?
Your family is right outside the door, but you can’t scream for help.
Suddenly, you’re free, and there’s nothing in your room.
You can move again. You’re able to speak. Now you can have a real cry.
Tonight you got lucky because usually the Pisadeira or the old hag takes their victims when she comes. Maybe next time you won’t be so fortunate.
The legend says she hides on people’s rooftops waiting for them to have a great meal. Then the old hag climbs into your home and takes your breath away until you’re dead.

Origins of La Pisadeira or the Old Hag
Ever had a nightmare? Well, nowadays, we all know what dreams are. However, once you wake up, everything is back to normal daily life. But what if waking up didn’t get rid of the demon in your room? That’s what we now call Sleep Paralysis.
Sleep Paralysis is known throughout the world but every culture has a different name for her.
Considering many people across the globe see an old hag when they have sleep paralysis, it makes people believe in demons and ghosts. In other words, how could everyone across the world see the same old hag? Is this the work of the devil?

Although, depending on where you’re from, the experience might be different. In most western cultures, like in the United States, people report three common entities.
The first one is the old hag, but sometimes it’s a hooded figure, which I have actually seen in my room. I wrote about it on my horror blog. However, I recently got rid of that blog. If you’re interested, I can bring that article here. Leave me a comment and let me know.
The third entity is the man with the hat. I’ve had friends tell me they’ve seen him. The man with the hat is the scariest of them all. In fact, they say, just researching, reading, or talking about him calls him to you that night.

Let’s move on, shall we? Every culture in the world has seen the old hag before. They also say, if you haven’t seen her yet, you will at least once in your life.
The Old Hag in the Media
In many cases throughout the world, there are many reports of people dying in their sleep. One day you’re 100 percent healthy, and the next day you’re asleep forever.
In fact, a few decades ago, healthy people dying in their sleep became such a phenomenon one artistic creator turned it into a worldwide media sensation. He called his new movie A Nightmare on Elm Street.
The movie of Freddy Kruger is the movie of sleep paralysis (it’s way more than this but we’ll keep it simple), where people see the infamous man with the hat before dying.
When sleeping becomes your worst enemy, you’ll never sleep again.
A Real-Life Example of the Old Hag AKA Sleep Paralysis
From Reddit user BlackCode9:
“I LD a lot and experience SP sort of rarely. If I do, its usually not scary and I relax. But this was the most terrifying thing ive ever experienced. I promise this is all 100% true.
I woke up in the middle of the night (but I must have still been dreaming). Everything was dark and I sleep with my door shut. This time it wasnt latched so it could open by just a little push. I hear distant running, like someone jogging towards my door. It sounded oddly human but I reasoned it was my cat. I hear something shuffle outside my door, and saw the door slowly move open with a thud. Its very dark but I see it slowly opening up. At this point I’m still not scared and I naturally thought it was my cat walking in and pushing open the door and I called out to her quietly. “Kittyy…come here kitty.” I waited a few seconds and its quiet. I hear a very eerie “meow” like a man/animal hybrid was trying to immitate my cat. It was the strangest thing. I felt my heart sink and I suddenly hear a deep demonic voice growling and speaking strange words. As this happened I feel myself being sucked into my bed and being unable to move. I can feel many hands pushing my arms down and I kid you not demonic laughter and little girls giggling (like in ghost movies). I could not see anything but there was whispers and a very creepy distant droning sound. My heart was beating so fast and I could feel the adrenaline surging through my arms. I woke up and it was all gone, but still pitch black just like my dream. I dont know exactly if it was a dream or not. It may not sound scary but the amount of fear you experience is unlike anything I ever have. You are alone and you are meeting what seems to be satan himself. You can feel a sense of pure evil that would crush the strongest man. This dream definitely made me more fearful of ghosts and paranormal things. “
On that note
Now that Thanksgiving is here and other holidays are upon us. The food will come, and the drinks will flow like water. Just be careful, the old hag or Pisadeira is wondering nearby. She lurks in search of the perfect person who just finished a big meal. She’s looking for someone who sleeps so deep she will take his soul upon closing their eyes.
Have you ever seen the old hag? Leave a comment and share your experience!

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