Let’s start by saying the airlines have never lost one of my bags. However, I’ve also never checked a bag because I’m always worried the airline is going to lose it. I’ve heard way too many horror stories of missing bags. Worse yet, is when the airline can’t find it at all. I mean, where did the bag go? It can’t just disappear. Did they put it on a different plane? That’s stupid. Also, they always put a tracking tag on it, so did computers suddenly go down forever? Here are a few things you can do to help keep your bag from getting lost when going on vacation.
Lets Get Back Into It
What do I mean by “its your fault?” Well let’s say you’ve packed a giant suitcase full of clothing. This bag has a lot of your favorite clothes. It has your expensive shoes. It has your cute accessories.
You’ve brought a cute outfit, a casual outfit, your beach attire, your party outfit, maybe some high heels and other shoes (some men wear high-heels too, let’s be inclusive here.) Lets not forget our tub of SPF 500.
That’s not enough though, lets continue. Apart from all your cute clothes, you bring your laptop, your camera, chargers, Kindle and other must-have electronics. This is all great but first of all it’s way too much. If you haven’t read my packing tips for small or large trips, you should. It’s vital to learning how to pack accordingly for both.
Ok. You have everything you need for the perfect vacation. You didn’t miss a beat. So, then… You go to the airport, stand in a line that takes forever and a day, waste tons of time, check your bag and get on your flight.

For starters, I’m not a patient person. Why would you wait in line for a long-ass time just to give all your valuables to a total stranger? You might as well give your luggage to the corner homeless man. I mean at least they might use your cute blouse as something vital, like TP. But now, you’ve left all of your expensive shoes, computers and cameras in the hands of someone you don’t know. Who knows maybe they don’t even care about their job and mistreat your stuff. I just don’t understand why you would hand over all this great stuff and expect everything to be okay. It seems like a no-brainer.
You arrive at your destination and suddenly your bag is nowhere to be found and you blame the airline! But whose fault is it really? The airline that doesn’t even know it’s your bag or who you are. It could be Sally or Michael’s bag, they don’t know. Or the person who packed everything they own, all their most expensive equipment, gave it to strangers and thought it was ok? It makes total sense that you want to blame someone other than yourself. But the proper answer would be “IT’S YOUR FAULT.” You did it all to yourself. You pushed the first domino and the aftermath is a direct result of the first action you took.
Now you’re going online and telling the world about how horrible this or that airline is, when you should really be evaluating your baggage decisions.
So, yes. It is your fault.
At least when you take a carry-on it’s not like it’s going to accidentally fly out the window. And if you happen to misplace your bag and forget about it, then you are definitely to blame for that. But why is there this gray area for checked bags?
So How Do We Fix This?
Only take carry-on luggage. Don’t put your luggage in the hands of strangers. There is a size requirement that is actually decent for everything you need. Trust me, you don’t need 5 pairs of shoes. You can buy a big tub of SPF-whatever at your destination (or a small carry-on size too.)
To be completely honest with you, I always take a carry-on and even though I do, I don’t wear everything I take. This means, you’re definitely not wearing everything you’re taking if your taking 12 outfits for a one week trip.
What about Souvenirs?
So you want to buy grandma Mimi and aunt Sally some souvenirs. Let’s not forget mom, dad, little brother, big brother, half-sister, cousin Ally… The first thing I do is see what fits and what doesn’t. If it doesn’t fit, I don’t buy it. However, lets say you really want to take all those things. One option I’ve done in the past is mail it to myself. I find the closest postal service and mail things out. It may be a little expensive depending on the country you’re in, but this is a solution to a problem that’s pretty reliable. Also, if you’re willing to pay extra for checking your bags, then use that money to pay for shipping and handling instead.
But I Have a Family With Kids!?!
Same difference… Each person can take a carry-on. I know travelers that have babies. They take a diaper bag for the baby (which is a carry-on.) I’ve been told by these families that it gets them through the travel experience, but when they land they buy baby supplies like diapers, formula, wipes, etcetera and they’re set for the rest of their vacation.
You have to remember your traveling to another section of Planet Earth, not the Sun where every store might be melted and all possible inventory for EVERYTHING will be out due to massive heat.
In other words, let’s attack the problem at its source.
Let Me Break It Down For You:
Never. Ever… Ever, check your bags. Take a Carry on.
If you insist on checking a bag you can do a few things to secure and track your bags… but that’s for another post.
Save the headache and misery while you jet off into the sunset in peace!