I took a 15 min ferry ride from Isla Mujeres to Cancun Puerto Juarez ferry terminal. The round-trip ticket was $15 USD or $300 Mexican Pesos.
From there, I took an expensive ass cab ride to Cancun ADO Bus Station. I’m just kidding, it’s not expensive, but expensive by Mexico standards. The tourist price was $100 Pesos, which is $5 USD.
Let’s take it from the ADO Bus station. From the exit, you must make your way to the other side of the bus station, towards the giant roundabout. Now cross the roundabout. It has no street lights, so be very careful as you cross all intersections.
I did this carrying my backpack in the sweltering heat… I got lost, asked several people, took the long way around, and finally got there.
Here is a map so you could find your way. Don’t do what I did. Let’s attack the problem at its source. Let’s get you on the right track.