How to get to Downtown Chicago from O’hare International Airport

Need help getting from the airport to Downtown Chicago? No need to fear. It’s quite simple. First, make sure you’re following the signs to get to the front of the airport. I believe they will also have signs on where to get the train.

The beauty of the Chicago airport is that the train is pretty much connected via underground passageways. Its great.

Once you’ve reached the front of the airport make sure you follow the signs to get to the train. Luckily for us, there’s only one train that stops at the airport. With its last stop being the airport, there are usually two trains waiting… No need to rush if you miss one of them, the next will be off in minutes. Ive included a map for you just in case! In this map, the long blue line is the airport rail line.

Get on the train and that’s pretty much it. This train will get you to Downtown Chicago in about an hour. The train systems are much more extensive in the Downtown Area. Make sure you look up which station you’re getting off at as to not miss it.

Happy travels!

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