Flying from LAX to PVR (LA to Puerto Vallarta) is great. It’s a quick 2 hours. My partner got upgraded to Business Class, therefore I was left alone. I don’t usually care if we’re separated but this had to be one of my worse coach experiences.
What happened on this LAX to PVR flight?
Let’s start with how god-awful the passengers were on this trip. It appears many couples were split. In an effort to bully me into moving the guy next to me and the woman across the aisle from me continually shouted their undying love for each other every few seconds. As if hearing “I love you so so much honey” isn’t annoying enough, they constantly blew kisses at each other –I don’t care. I was split myself and I find that behavior annoying. Deal with not being connected at the hip. If you really wanted to sit next to each other you could ask me. You, know, properly.
The 20-something year old seated behind me complained about, literally, everything… He called American Airlines the worse airline he’s every flown (later in the conversation he said he’d never flown before… he was just full of hot air). Then he began compiling about how awful the seats are and how it’s going to give him scoliosis… He fixed this by sitting in the aisle the entire length of the trip.
I thought it was very strange because as the conversation evolved, I learned that this is the daughter’s college friend and the parents invited him. He seemed like an ungrateful little bastard at this point.
It’s not that I wanted to eavesdrop but he was a loud, obnoxious train wreck from which you couldn’t look away from.
What did the flight attendants do?
They let him sit there. At one point, the flight attendant literally stepped over him to get someone their drink. God forbid they do their job properly and get harassed by internet trolls or forced to resign…
As this short LAX to PVR flight continued, they began passing drinks and snacks for purchase. They skipped my row by accident. I called the flight attendant over after they were done and asked to purchase a bloody mary (I have a travel tradition of always drinking a bloody mary on each flight…) When they realized they skipped my row, she apologized and gave me a double for free, which was actually really nice and unexpected. I was willing to pay for it.
I don’t care if I’m seated in coach, but I do sympathize with the crew if they have bad passengers… Some people don’t know how to behave in public. It appears this short flight to this cute Mexican village started its party on the flight.
As a first-timer headed to PVR, I wondered if Puerto Vallarta was going to be full of annoying people like the ones on this plane.
To be honest, I didn’t know how to handle any of it, except to just stay calm and hope to land soon. How would you handle this situation? I would love to know.