Today, I feel like things are getting better. Perhaps this pandemic is on the mend. I’m also happy to report that Los Angeles County is opening running trails again. They’re not opening the super popular ones like Runyon Canyon (yet), but at least its a start. Although we’re not in the clear yet, I’m feeling optimistic for once. Nevertheless, the beginning of pride season is upon, and all the venues are closed. So in this post, I’m going to give you a few websites with virtual pride celebrations, happy hours, go-go dancers, and more to help you celebrate pride digitally this season.
But First Some Good News
As of Monday, beach paths in Long Beach will reopen. This means I’ll be able to ride my bike uninterrupted again! It’s exciting.
But I’m also glad California was strict and locked down quickly. I am so happy that I stayed indoors as much as I was mentally able to, to prevent the people I love from getting sick.
My friends in Berlin tell me some places are opening up. Not the bars or parties, but slowly things might be changing back to normal.
Airlines have increased their flights. Not a lot, but at least it’s a start.
As of yesterday, Hong Kong opened many public spaces, including bars and restaurants.
Mexico recently stated some hotels will reopen starting July 1st.
Things are looking up. This has been very hard for many people, me included, and I’m glad it’s coming to an end.
Even though I’m sad gay venues and parties, like pride, might be missed this year, I’m happy to announce many gay venues are celebrating virtually. It may not be the same, but it will keep you thirsty until full-throttle pride comes around next year.
So, whats a gay to do without physical venues to celebrate pride? How are we supposed to guzzle some brewskies with our pals? What about the after parties? Darn, you coronavirus. It seems, this year, we have to celebrate differently.
You’re in luck because I found an awesome Berlin-based online group that calls itself United We Stream. This is an excellent website that live-streams great DJ’s as they play their sick-ass beats for you to dance the night away.
So, if you’re missing the gay Berlin scene as much as I am, make sure to tune in and grab yourself a beer and pretend you’re exploring some of Berlin’s most decadent bars.
If you don’t know much about the awesome gay Berlin scene, check out this post I made with lots of awesome insight on what it’s like.

Even though club Odarko isn’t live streaming their sets, they publish their music on their website regularly. This decadent club is one you need to experience if you’re into hot steamy gay clubs that will take your breath away or your virginity.
Don’t take it from me, check out the review I did when I was there. Don’t forget to put it on your list of places to party next time you’re in Madrid.

The UK
All of this kinky club talk and fast techno beats are making me all sweaty. So lets put on our favorite leather jock-strap and watch some manly adult-only entertainment on Jamie HP.
Jamie HP also hosts one of the naughtiest pool parties in London. So, let’s check this out and mark our calendars because the boys are going to be extra hungry once clubs and parties start happening again.

London’s gay scene is for everyone, including the naughty boys out there. Once things get back to their regular old self, I’ll visit London and check out more fun gay venues to write about. In the meantime, let’s see what Jamie HP is all about.
If you’re interested in reading other reviews from my last London trip, this gay venue is one to keep an eye on.
Pride 2020 is Cancelled, but Don’t Worry, Here’s the Good News
California, my home state, will celebrate pride virtually. Although this isn’t the same as attending pride events in person, it’s probably better that we all stay safe so we can celebrate it even harder next time.
LA pride
West Hollywood Pride has teamed up with Global Pride, an organization that is moving all pride participants to a digital platform.
Currently, there is little information on what type of events are streaming yet. What we do know is that its happening June 27th. Let’s prep our outfits so we can celebrate pride from our living room.
Keep on eye on Global Pride because prides all over the world are participating. This means you can stream pride events from Los Angeles and Berlin. In other words, let’s get global and travel to all pride events this year, regardless of where you’re from.
San Francisco
If you’ve ever attended Folsom Street Fair or Up Your Alley, you know these events are incredible. However, this year, they’ve all turned their eye to digital platforms due to the coronavirus.
Check out their website for up to date information on what events will be streaming virtually because there’s going to be nudity involved. Can I get a Hell Yes?
New York City
The NYC gay pride march is the one event everyone wants to see during pride. It’s sad to know that marches around the world will not happen. However, NYC pride is live-streaming something similar to a march. Stay up to date on what they’re streaming to keep pride alive this year on their NYCPride’s website.
More Great Live Streaming Entertainment
If you want more great live streaming events, Billboard has a ton of musicians lined up for everyone. From Blake Shelton to Meghan Trainor, Jon Bon Jovi, and Dolly Parton, there are tons of fabulous events to make you feel like you’re attending a pride event from the comfort of your own home.
Let me break it down for you:
Although nothing beats heading to a packed pride parade, walking through a crowd of muscle men, feeling the sweat roll off your back as you dance the night away and drinking some booze with your best gay friends. Perhaps this time, we can get together with our best germ sharing friends like your partner, maybe your roommate, break out those martini shakers and dance the night away as you stream your favorite pride event. I know I will.